Dim OV(500)
Dim OP(500)
Dim Adv(500)
Dim Ops, Ovs, K As Integer
Dim isEmpty As Boolean
Function Process(Formula As String)
Formula = Formula & ";"
Dim P, str, o
P = 1
Do While (P < Len(Formula))
If IsNumeric(Mid$(Formula, P, 1)) Then
str = ""
Do While ((IsNumeric(Mid$(Formula, P, 1))) Or Mid$(Formula, P, 1) = ".") And (P < Len(Formula))
str = str & Mid$(Formula, P, 1)
P = P + 1
PushNum str
str = ""
Do While GetAdv(str) = -1 And (P < Len(Formula))
str = str & Mid$(Formula, P, 1)
P = P + 1
If GetAdv(str) > Adv(Ops) Or isEmpty = True Then
If GetAdv(str) <> 1000 Then PushOP str
Exit Do
End If
End If
Do While isEmpty = False
Process = PopNum
End Function
Sub PushNum(Num)
Ovs = Ovs + 1
OV(Ovs) = Num
End Sub
Function PopNum() As Double
PopNum = OV(Ovs)
Ovs = Ovs - 1
End Function
Sub PushOP(Oper)
Ops = Ops + 1
OP(Ops) = Oper
Adv(Ops) = GetAdv(Oper)
isEmpty = False
End Sub
Function PopOP()
PopOP = OP(Ops)
Ops = Ops - 1
If Ops <= 0 Then
isEmpty = True
isEmpty = False
End If
End Function
Function GetAdv(str) As Integer
Select Case str
Case ";"
GetAdv = 0 + K
Case "+"
GetAdv = 1 + K
Case "-"
GetAdv = 1 + K
Case "*"
GetAdv = 2 + K
Case "/"
GetAdv = 2 + K
Case "sin"
GetAdv = 3 + K
Case "cos"
GetAdv = 3 + K
Case "tan"
GetAdv = 3 + K
Case "log"
GetAdv = 3 + K
Case "^"
GetAdv = 3 + K
Case "("
GetAdv = 1000
K = K + 10
Case ")"
GetAdv = 1000
K = K - 10
Case Else
GetAdv = -1
End Select
End Function
Sub Calc()
Dim o
o = PopOP
Select Case o
Case "+"
PushNum (PopNum + PopNum)
Case "-"
PushNum (0 - PopNum + PopNum)
Case "*"
PushNum (PopNum * PopNum)
Case "/"
PushNum (1 / PopNum * PopNum)
Case "sin"
PushNum Sin(PopNum)
Case "cos"
PushNum Cos(PopNum)
Case "tan"
PushNum Tan(PopNum)
Case "log"
PushNum Log(PopNum)
Case "^"
Dim a, b
a = PopNum
b = PopNum
PushNum (b ^ a)
End Select
End Sub
Sub ClearAll()
'Dim OV(500)
'Dim OP(500)
'Dim Adv(500)
'Dim Ops, Ovs, K As Integer
'Dim isEmpty As Boolean
Dim i
For i = 0 To 500
OV(i) = 0
OP(i) = 0
Adv(i) = 0
Ops = 0
Ovs = 0
K = 0
isEmpty = True
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim P, cP
Dim str1 As String
str1 = Text1.Text
cP = Text1.SelStart + 1
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Do While cP < Len(str1)
If Asc(Mid(str1, cP, 1)) = 13 Then Exit Do
cP = cP + 1
P = cP - 1
Do While P > 0
If Asc(Mid(str1, P, 1)) = 10 Then Exit Do
P = P - 1
Text1.Text = Process(Mid(str1, P + 1, cP - P))
Text1.SelStart = Len(str1)
End If
End Sub